DESCRIPTION: Oil-based tintable translucent wood finish.


Valtti Color is suitable for logs, sawn and planed wood surfaces, various wood boards, as well as for impregnated wood and thermally modified wood surfaces for exterior use according to instructions.


Exterior walls, fences, etc. Both untreated and previously with wood stain treated wood surfaces. Valtti Color is not suitable for interior treatment of greenhouses.


Colour Range: Use product as tinted, colours from Tikkurila Valtti colour card. Additionallly standard colour: Dark Walnut

Gloss grade: undefined

Coverage: Sawn wooden surfaces 4 - 8 m2/l. Logs and planed wooden surfaces 8 - 12 m2/l.

Can sizes: 0.225 l, 0.9 l, 2.7 l, 9 l and 18 l

Thinner: White Spirit 1050

Application method: Brush

Drying time at 23°C and 50% relative air humidity: Touch-dry after 4-8 hours. Re-coatable after 24 hours.

Solids volume: Approx. 17 % depending on the shade.

Density: n. 0.9 kg/l, ISO 2811.

Storage: Unaffected either by cold storage or transportation. Poorly closed or short canisters do not endure long storing.

Product code: 290_0070


Application conditions:

The surface to be treated must be dry, i.e. the moisture content of the wood should be below 20 %. During painting and drying, the temperature of the air, surface and wood finish has to be at least +5 °C, and the relative humidity of the air below 80 %.


Untreated wood surfaces:
Remove dirt, dust and loose material from untreated surfaces with steel or scrubbing-brush. Wash down surfaces affected by mould with Valtti Mould Removal (Homeenpoisto) solution or Tikkurila Tehopesu (Power Cleaner) according to directions for use. Prime surfaces as soon as possible with Valtti Base priming oil. Protect plants from splashes of Valtti Color and Valtti Base.

Surfaces treated previously with wood preservative or wood finish:
Remove loose material from previously treated surfaces with scraper or steel brush. Clean the surface and wash down with Valtti Mould Removal (Homeenpoisto) solution or Tikkurila Tehopesu (Power Cleaner), if necessary. Glossy film remaining on the surface of the wood should be removed or at least sanded down. Protect plants from splashes of Valtti Color.

Surface treatment:

Make sure you have enough tinted Valtti Color for one uniform surface, mixed into one canister to avoid possible colour differences. Stir Valtti Color thoroughly before use and during painting.

Apply Valtti Color evenly by brush along the whole length of a log or couple of boards to avoid overlapping. Treat end-grain carefully. Apply 2 coats, thin coats on planed and log surfaces. Always use tinted product to protect new surfaces.

Cleaning of tools: Clean tools with White Spirit 1050 or Tikkurila Pensselipesu (Tool Cleaner).

Maintenance instructions:

Handle the surface with care, ultimate durability and hardness is reached in approx. 4 weeks under normal circumstances. If cleansing is needed soon after finishing, use a soft brush, damp cleaning cloth or a mop. After 1 month from painting a soiled surface can be cleansed with Huoltopesu (1 part of Huoltopesu to 10 parts of water). Clean stains and dirty surfaces with a mix of Huoltopesu and water (1:1). Rinse well and allow to dry.

Maintenance treatment:

Observe the condition of the finished surface and perform maintenance painting, if necessary. Factors affecting maintenance intervals include the location, compass orientation and weather conditions.

HEALTH AND SAFETY LABELLING according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008

Harmful, Xn Contains: Naphtha, hydro-treated heavy, turpentine, tolylfluanid (0,67 w-%) FLAMMABLE. HARMFUL BY INHALATION. HARMFUL: MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE IF INHALED. MAY CAUSE SENSITIZATION BY SKIN CONTACT. HARMFUL TO AQUATIC ORGANISMS, MAY CAUSE LONG-TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Avoid contact with skin. Wear suitable gloves. Do not empty into drains. Ifswallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Keep out of reach of children. A Safety Data Sheet is available on request.Safety Data Sheet - Valtti Color


Avoid spillage into drains, water systems and soil. Any product remaining unused and dried paint waste must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Empty, dry cans should be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Risk of self-ignition! Cleaning cloths, sanding dust and overspray containing the product can create fire by self-ignition. Waste like this should be collected and stored e.g. in water before disposal or be
dried preferably outdoors or incinerated immediately.